With the dynamic tour planning of Greenplan, logistics companies are able to plan and operate their routes more efficiently. Greenplan optimization leads to an average reduction of the distance driven of 10%.
Typical Logistics
Company Fleet
0,2 kg
CO2 per km1
Using average emissions for DHL fleet
Assuming 25000 km per vehicle per year and approximating the lengt of equator by 40000 km
We assume 100 vehicles each emitting 0.2 kg CO2 per km and driving 25000 km per year
At 33.3 kg CO2 per tree per year, as mentioned in Myers, N., and T. J. Goreau. 1991. Tropical forests and the greenhouse effect: A management response. Climatic Change 19: 215-26
Yearly Operations
2,500,000 km ~ 62,5 equator
Total kilometers driven ²
500 tons CO2
Annual footprint of a typical logistics company ³
450 tons CO2
Annual footprint with Greenplan optimized tours
500 t
450 t
50 tons CO2
Can be saved using Greenplan
50 tons is the amount of CO2 1500
trees can absorb in a year ⁴
The equivalent of reducing total yearly km driven
for the typical logistics company by 10%