Privacy Notice
Greenplan GmbH (hereinafter called Greenplan) is pleased that you have visited our website and are interested in our company, products and services. It is important to us to protect your personal data during handling throughout the entire business process.

In the following, we explain what personal data Greenplan collects when you visit our website and how this data is processed and for what specific purposes.

Privacy policy

Information on the handling of personal data

We are very pleased about your interest in our website – and thus in our company. The protection of your private rights and freedoms is very important to us; we only use your data for the purposes intended. Since it is important to us that you are aware at all times of the extent to which we collect, use and, if necessary, transfer your data to third parties, we will provide you with the following comprehensive information on the processing of your personal data collected by us or stored by us.

Visiting our website is generally possible without providing (personal) data; if there are exceptions to this for selected services, we will explain these in the following chapters. When processing personal data, we strictly adhere to the requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any other data protection regulations.

Name and address of the controller

Greenplan GmbH
Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 74
50968 Cologne


Phone: +49 67 42 87 27 80

Name and address of the data protection officer

The Contractor’s data protection officer for data protection issues arising within the scope of the contract is
Dr. Christiane Jakobs
Any data subject can contact our data protection officer directly at any time with any questions or suggestions regarding data protection.

Rights of data subjects

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides for extensive rights for data subjects in Chapter III, which we explain to you accordingly below with regard to the processing of your personal data:

Right to information

This requirement concerns in particular information on the following details of data processing:

  • Processing purposes
  • Data categories
  • Recipients or categories of recipients, if applicable
  • If applicable, the planned storage duration or the criteria for determining this duration.
  • Note on the respective right of correction, deletion, restriction or objection
  • Existence of the right to complain to a supervisory authority
  • If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected from you)
  • If applicable, existence of automated decision-making including profiling, including meaningful information about the logic involved, the scope and the effects to be expected
  • If applicable, (planned) transfer to a third country or international organization
Right to rectification

We will correct any erroneous data immediately, provided that you inform us of the circumstance accordingly.

Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)

Provided that the processing is no longer necessary and one of the following conditions is met:

  • Discontinuation of the purpose of processing
  • Withdrawal of their consent and absence of any other legal basis for processing
  • Objection to processing without an important reason to the contrary
  • Unlawful processing
  • Required to fulfill a legal obligation
  • Data collection was carried out in accordance with Art. 8 (1) GDPR
Right to restriction of processing

Provided that one of the following conditions is met:

  • You dispute the accuracy of your data (restriction can be made for the duration of the review on our side)
  • In the event of unlawful processing and if the data is not to be deleted, restriction of processing shall take the place of deletion
  • If the processing purposes cease to apply, at the same time you need your data for the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims
  • After you have lodged an objection pursuant to Art. 21 (1) GDPR and for the duration of the examination as to whether our legitimate reasons outweigh yours.
Right to data portability

If it is technically possible and does not affect the rights and freedoms of other persons, we will – at your request – transfer your data to another recipient (responsible party).

Right to object

If we collect or have collected and process personal data from you (on the basis of Art. 6 (1) e or f or Art. 9 (2) a GDPR), you have the right to object to the data processing (including profiling) at any time (with effect for the future). In exceptional cases, the objection may be ineffective, e.g. if we can demonstrate compelling interests worthy of protection for the processing that outweigh your interests or processing serves the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims. If we process your personal data for the purpose of direct marketing, you have the right to object to such processing at any time. This also applies to profiling, insofar as it is related to such direct advertising. You also have the right to object to processing of your data concerning you which is carried out by us for scientific or historical research purposes or for statistical purposes pursuant to Article 89 (1) GDPR, unless such processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.

Automated decisions in individual cases including profiling

If we collect or have collected and process personal data from you, you have the right not to be subject to any decision based solely on automated processing – including profiling – which produces legal effects concerning you or similarly significantly affects you. Exceptions to this requirement apply if the decision is necessary for the conclusion or performance of a contract between you and us or you have expressly consented to the processing. In any case, we will take reasonable steps to safeguard your rights and freedoms and legitimate interests, including at least the right to obtain the intervention of a person on our part, to express our own point of view and to contest the decision.

Right to complain to a supervisory authority

A list of the supervisory authorities responsible in Germany can be found on the website of the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection or at the following link:

General information on data processing on the website

The following information applies to the data processing on our website in general. If there are exceptions or additions to this information, these are described in detail in the relevant sections.

Data security information

We secure our website and other systems through technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons. In addition, we have implemented SSL encryption (SHA256) on our website to protect your data. However, despite regular checks, complete protection against all dangers is not possible.

Our legitimate interest

Our legitimate interest, as defined in Article 6 (1) f GDPR, is based on the performance of our business activities in order to maintain our ability to operate and secure the employment of our employees.

General deadlines for data deletion

After the purpose of storage has ceased, the retention periods are generally at least six or ten years. As a rule, data is deleted immediately in accordance with our deletion concept, provided that this does not conflict with any retention obligation, necessity for contract fulfillment or a legitimate interest.

Deletion or blocking of personal data

We store your personal data only for the period required to fulfill the specified purpose. After the purpose no longer applies and after expiration of any existing retention periods, your data will be deleted immediately. If deletion is not possible, the data will be blocked instead.

Collection of general data and information

As soon as you visit our website, our web server collects some general data and technical information – as shown in the table below:

Data collected

Purpose of the survey

browser types and versions usedcorrect display of the page content
Operating system used, visitor origin (referrer, e.g. Google), subpages clicked onOptimization of our website content as well as our advertising
Date and time of access to the website as well as IP address and internet service provider of the visitorEnsuring the permanent functionality of our IT systems (for the operation of the website) and prevention of misuse

Other data and information for security in the event of attacks

Providing relevant information to law enforcement agencies in the event of a cyberattack

Obligation to provide personal data

Under certain circumstances (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations), an obligation arises for you to provide us with your personal data. Examples of such processing as follows:

Nature or purpose of the processing


Conclusion of a sales contract (e.g. your address)Fulfillment of the contractual obligation (e.g. delivery of the goods to your address)
In the employee context (e.g. transmission of data to the tax office)Compliance with legal requirements (e.g. tax regulations)

Information about specific data processing on the website

If applicable, in deviation from or in addition to the above-mentioned general information, you will find details of the individual data processing on our website below.

Applications and application procedure
Purpose of processingData of applicants are collected, processed and used for the purpose of selecting potential employees.
Recipient (if applicable)A transfer to third parties and / or to a third country does not take place.
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)Forwarding does not take place and is not planned.
If known: Duration of data storageThe personal data of applicants whom we do not hire will be stored for the required period (maximum 6 months) for possible legal claims (e.g. under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)) and then immediately destroyed or deleted.
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessityFor a smooth application process, it is necessary that you truthfully provide us with the requested information.
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)Non-compliance (i.e. failure to provide the required data) may result in your inability to enter into an employment contract with us.
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)As a rule, the data originates from the data subject him/herself; however, it may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).Master data, contact data, application data
Change of purpose if necessaryIf we take you on as an employee after completion of the application process, the purpose for processing the relevant data changes: in this case, it will be used in the future to implement and maintain the employment relationship.
Contact form
Purpose of processingProcessing and, if necessary, answering the request of the form sender
Legal basisFulfillment of a contract (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR), if your request serves to clarify a contractual relationship. Our legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR) for all other inquiries, as we are interested in a quick response to your inquiry.
Recipient (if applicable)A transfer to third parties and / or to a third country does not take place.
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)A data transfer to a third country does not take place and is not planned.
If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessityThere is no obligation.
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data comes from the data subject himself.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).In this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Purpose of processingPossibility of (pseudonymized) expression of opinion on published blog posts
Legal basis (according to Art. 6 / 9 GDPR)
  • Safeguarding legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 f)
Recipient (if applicable)none
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)A data transfer to a third country does not take place and is not planned.
If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessityThere is no obligation to provide personal data. The comment function can be used by entering a pseudonym.
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).none
Change of purpose if necessarynone

On this website we use cookies; these are small text files that are placed or stored on your computer via your internet browser (e.g. Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Edge). These cookies are used for various purposes: many cookies are technically necessary to provide you with certain website functions (e.g. shopping cart functions, saving your login information), other cookies are used to ensure the security of your data or the website and some cookies can be used to analyze your user behavior. The latter cookies may contain a so-called cookie ID – a unique identifier consisting of a string of characters that allows Internet pages and servers to be assigned to the storing browser.
Cookies that are necessary to carry out the transmission of a message via a public telecommunications network and cookies that are absolutely necessary to provide you with an expressly requested function are referred to as “technically necessary cookies” and may be set without your explicit consent (Section 25 (2) TTDSG). All other cookies are subject to consent (§ 25 para. 1 TTDSG); if applicable, regulated by our Consent Management Platform.
We use cookies partly only for the duration of your stay on the website, partly for a predefined period and partly permanently. You can delete all these cookies manually or automatically at any time via your web browser.
It is possible to use our offers (although possibly not to the full extent of their functions) without cookies. Most browsers are set to accept cookies automatically. However, you can deactivate the storage of cookies or set your browser to notify you as soon as cookies are sent.


Purpose of processingHosting the website
Legal basis

Exercise of legitimate interest (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR)

  • Protection of legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 f)
Recipient (if applicable)Automattic Inc; 60 29th Street #343, San Francisco, CA 94110, United States of America
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)United States of America
If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automated decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).IP address, log files, page view, interaction data
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Privacy info of the addin
Google Tag Manager
Purpose of processingSimplified management of the analysis tools through central control and management of the collected analysis mechanisms
Legal basisConsent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG)
Recipient (if applicable)Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)

If applicable, transfer, storage and processing of personal data in the USA.

The data transfer is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. Google LLC is certified in accordance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF).

If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)As a rule, the data originates from the data subject himself.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).Which pages and functions are called up or clicked on during the website visit (click behavior), IP address assigned by the Internet service provider (ISP) in anonymized form, previously visited website (referrer), sub-pages visited, time spent on the website, frequency of visit, date, access location, time of visit
Opt-OutSee also under cookies
Data protection officer of the provider
Privacy policy of the provider
Google Analytics
Purpose of processingCreation of usage profiles to optimize the cost-benefit factor on the website
Legal basisConsent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG)
Recipient (if applicable)Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)

If applicable, transfer, storage and processing in the USA.

We have concluded an order processing contract with the recipient to ensure that the personal data of our website visitors is only processed in accordance with our instructions.

If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)As a rule, the data originates from the data subject himself.
If applicable, categories of pb data (if not collected directly from the data subject)which pages and functions are called up or clicked on during the website visit (click behavior), IP address assigned by the Internet service provider (ISP) in anonymized form, previously visited website (referrer), subpages visited, time spent on the website, frequency of visit, date, access location, time of visit, user agent
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Opt-OutInstallation of the browser plugin:, See also under Cookies
Data protection officer of the provider
Privacy policy of the provider
Purpose of processingImprove network performance for the end user when using versch. Google services
Legal basis (according to Art. 6 / 9 GDPR)
  • Safeguarding legitimate interests (Art. 6 para. 1 f)
Recipient (if applicable)Google LLC; 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 93043-1351, United States of America
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)

United States of America, Google LLC

Data transfer is based on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework through which Google LLC is certified.

If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Privacy info of the addin
Change of purpose, if applicablenone
Google Maps
Purpose of processingProvision of maps.
Legal basis (according to Art. 6 / 9 GDPR)Consent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR and § 25 para. 1 TTDSG)
Recipient (if applicable)Google Ireland Limited, Google LLC, Alphabet Inc, United States of America
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)

If applicable, transfer, storage and processing in the USA.

The data transfer is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. Google LLC is certified in accordance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF).

If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).IP address, date and time of visit, location information, URL, usage data, search terms, geographic location, user agent
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Data protection officer of the provider
Privacy policy of the provider
Google Fonts
Purpose of processingUniform representation of the fonts
Legal basisConsent (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR)
Recipient (if applicable)Google Ireland Ltd, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)

If applicable, transfer, storage and processing in the USA.

The data transfer is based on the standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. Google LLC is certified in accordance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework (DPF).

If known: Duration of data storageUnknown duration
See General time limits for data deletion.
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).IP address, access time, access date
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Opt-OutUse a browser that does not support Google Fonts
Privacy info of the addin
Purpose of processingAvatar display
Legal basis (according to Art. 6 / 9 GDPR)
  • Informed consent (Art. 6 para. 1 a)
Recipient (if applicable)Automattic Inc, 60 29th Street
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)

United States of America, Automattic Inc.

Data transfer is based on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework through which Automattic Inc. is certified.

If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)Without the data, the described data processing cannot take place.
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).IP Address, Browser Information, Device Identifiers, Browser Language, Date and Time of Visit, Device Operating System, Browser Type, Comment Content, Content Interaction Information, Log File Data, Geographic Location, Usage Data, Third-Party Data, User Agent String, Own Device Identifier
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Privacy policy of the provider
Purpose of processingFunctionality, optimization, customer support, analytics
Legal basis (according to Art. 6 / 9 GDPR)
  • Informed consent (Art. 6 para. 1 a)
Recipient (if applicable)Prospect One sp.z o.o., Królewska 65A/1, 30-081 Kraków, Poland
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)A data transfer to a third country does not take place and is not planned.
If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).Usage data, IP address, browser type, browser version, pages visited, date and time of visit, number of hours spent on a page, own device identifier, diagnostic data.
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Purpose of processingProviding services, responding to user requests, ensuring security, preventing and fixing fraud, fraud prevention, statistics, developing and improving products, marketing, optimization, technical support.
Legal basis (according to Art. 6 / 9 GDPR)
  • Informed consent (Art. 6 para. 1 a)
Recipient (if applicable)Npm, Inc, 1999 Harrison Street, 1150, CA 94612 Oakland, United States of America

If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)If applicable, transfer, storage and processing in the USA, Npm Inc.
If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).Universal unique identifiers, operating system information, referrer URL, software data, hardware/software type, date and time of request, IP address, URL, language information, browser information, metadata, account data.
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Privacy policy of the provider
Purpose of processingProvision of services
Legal basis (according to Art. 6 / 9 GDPR)
  • Informed consent (Art. 6 para. 1 a)
Recipient (if applicable) Inc, 185 Alewife Brook Parkway, Suite 210 Cambridge Massachusetts 02138, United States of America
If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)if applicable, transfer, storage and processing in the USA, Inc.
If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).IP address
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Privacy contact of the
Privacy policy of the provider
Bootstrap CDN
Purpose of processingShow analysis, advertising, content
Legal basis (according to Art. 6 / 9 GDPR)
  • Informed consent (Art. 6 para. 1 a)
Recipient (if applicable)StackPath, LLC, 2021 McKinney Avenue, Suite 1100, Dallas, TX 75201, United States of America

If applicable, intention of forwarding to a third country or int. organization (incl. info on adequacy decision of the Commission or suitable guarantees)If applicable, transfer, storage and processing in the U.S., StackPath, LLC

Data transfer is based on the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework through which StackPath, LLC is certified.
If known: Duration of data storageSee General deadlines for data deletion
Obligation to provide personal data (e.g. due to legal or contractual regulations) / necessitynone
Consequences of non-compliance (in case of failure to provide the required data)none
If applicable, existence of an automated decision-making processIn this context, we do not use automatic decision-making.
If applicable, origin of the data (if not collected directly from the data subject)The data usually originates from the data subject, but may also originate from third parties.
Where applicable, categories of personal data (if not collected directly from the data subject).Usage data, IP address, browser information, domain name, URL, time of access or retrieval, device operating system
Change of purpose if necessarynone
Privacy contact of the
Privacy policy of the provider