Discrete Mathematics for Green Route Planning: Scientific knowledge complements logistics expertise
Since 2017, the University of Bonn and Greenplan officially cooperate to find a viable solution for optimal tour planning. Over the past few years together with the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics, Greenplan has developed and launched an algorithm, which exploits the full optimization potential of smart tours. The algorithm, which runs as software as a service solution is already successfully implemented in practice. The cloud-based solution is applicable for a large group of customers ranging from logistics providers to field service operators. Due to its intelligent product design, Greenplan provides great potential for considerable cost savings and reductions in CO2-emissions. Last year, Greenplan received the PostEurop Innovation Award. Recently, the mathematicians from the University of Bonn led by Professor Jens Vygen succeeded in finding a better approximation ratio for the “Capacitated Vehicle Routing”. This is the first one in 30 years. The authors Jannis Blauth, Vera Traub, and Jens Vygen will receive the Best Paper Award at IPCO 2021, which will be held in May and which is the worldwide leading conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization.
The General-Anzeiger Bonn reports in a detailed article (€; language German) about the idea of Greenplan and the underlying cooperation.
The University of Bonn announces the continuation of the successful cooperation with Greenplan
Recently, the University of Bonn officially announced that the cooperation will now be continued for an unlimited period. In this context, Professor Jens Vygen outlined: “The collaboration with the logistic experts at Greenplan was very fruitful from the start. We developed an algorithm that is not only flexibly applicable but also delivers excellent results after only a short computation time.” Also, Dr. Clemens Beckmann – CEO of Greenplan – is happy about the new contract and the ongoing collaboration: “The great professionalism in the collaboration, as well as the geographical proximity, have been the basis for the extremely fast development, during which the logistic and scientific expertise complemented each other optimally. With the new contract, we have further strengthened our cooperation and we are looking forward to our future collaboration.”
The official press release and more information about the University of Bonn as well as the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics (HCM) can be found here.
© Photo: Jens Vygen/HCM/Uni Bonn