3 Things you should know about optimizing route planning

Have you ever had a laundry list of errands to run, then reached the end of the day only to find yourself making the same trip twice because you were stuck in traffic or didn’t plan your route efficiently? It’s a frustrating problem, and for companies it can mean exponentially higher costs, more man-hours, and …

Interview with Detecon Consulting – Faster, More Efficient, and More Sustainable — Greenplan Reinvents Route Planning

Cloud-based route optimization using time-of-day speed profiles and a sophisticated algorithm — the future of transportation belongs to smart route planners. Certainly, with their help the journey from A to B can be completed faster and more efficiently. That is not all, however; better routes make a respectable contribution to reducing CO2 emissions. Greenplan, a young tech company …

Management team acquires DHL’s route planning tool Greenplan through a Management Buyout

Deutsche Post DHL Group has signed an agreement with current management team to divest Greenplan GmbH, a route planning solution provider owned by DHL. Greenplan’s unique software solution enables route optimization with significant cost, time and CO2 savings for delivery and maintenance organizations worldwide. The divestment will further accelerate the successful development of Greenplan. Deutsche Post …

Green Lanes: New sustainability report about the power of tour planning algorithms

Greenplan CEO Dr. Clemens Beckmann stresses the importance of smart tour planning solutions for more efficient deliveries The September issue of Parcel and Postal Technology International magazine features leading industry frontrunners on the power of tour optimization. A brand new Sustainability Special Report explains how smart algorithms support dispatchers in their daily work and help providers to …

Amazon Last Mile Routing Challenge

Amazon hosts Last Mile Routing Challenge In early 2021, Amazon launched the Amazon Last Mile Routing Research Challenge in partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for Transportation & Logistics. The competition aimed at optimized last-mile package delivery planning. Despite enormous progress in tour optimization in recent years, there is still a noticeable …

Greenplan in Supply Chain Management Startups Handbook 2021

Greenplan is listed in the Supply Chain Management (SCM) Startups Handbook 2021 This week the new SCM Startups Handbuch 2021 has been published. With the book, publisher Matthias Bosse offers a good overview of young and innovative companies in the field of the supply chain. In addition to meaningful company profiles, the handbook serves as …

Dr. Clemens Beckmann speaking at Home Delivery Asia 2021

Home Delivery Asia 2021 is held as a fully virtual event This year, Greenplan is part of Asia’s must-attend event for the retail logistics industry. Challenging times for deliverers with ever-growing e-commerce volumes are bringing together leading logistic experts to share their experiences and learnings from the past few months. The fully virtual event hosts …

Greenplan as Partner of “City Transport and Road Pricing Conference” 2021

Live and remote: this year’s “City Transport and Road Pricing Conference” Europe presented by CiTTi Magazine und RUC Conference How has the transport infrastructure in Europe changed over the past years? Which consequences result for the logistics sector? These and many more topics will be discussed at this year’s “City Transport & Road Pricing Conference” …

Greenplan whitepaper about tour optimization on the last mile

Increased cost and competitive pressure forces logistics operators to implement innovative solutions for last mile distribution From growing urban mobility to increasing shipment volumes with complex customer expectations: today, logistic operations particularly on the last mile are exposed to various challenges. Increased complexity caused by (external) influencing factors and lacking investments in infrastructure impede efficiently as …

University of Bonn and Greenplan perpetuate cooperation

Discrete Mathematics for Green Route Planning: Scientific knowledge complements logistics expertise Since 2017, the University of Bonn and Greenplan officially cooperate to find a viable solution for optimal tour planning. Over the past few years together with the Research Institute for Discrete Mathematics, Greenplan has developed and launched an algorithm, which exploits the full optimization …